Title: Need Extra Cash? Write Articles that Pay
Written by: Anthony Delgado
Price: $19.99
Rating: 3/5 Stars
Write Articles that Pay was my first eHow book. It's a little less eHow specific, but I'm including it in this list because it'll be a lot of help. If you aren't familiar with SEO practices, this isn't a bad place to start. Search engine optimization is the cornerstone of good eHow earnings. By optimizing your articles as Anthony outlines, you'll appear higher in search results and get more traffic to your articles!
There's a Quick Guide at the end of the book that breaks down the writing process - starting with getting an idea and ending it with article promotion. When you're feeling a little lost, wondering what the "right way" to do articles is Anthony's guide is really helpful. He may not hold your hand enough for the super beginner, but reading the section over a few times will provide the necessary primer.