Title: Writing Online: Making Money and Residual Income With Online Content
Written by: Annalise
Price: $15
Rating: 3/5 Stars
Another day, another book review! Today I'm looking at Writing Online: Making Money and Residual Income With Online Content...phew! Let's just calling it "Writing Online" for short. With a title like that, you know there's a ton packed in there!
This is a pretty good book for beginners. It hits SEO and keywords right off the bat so you can dive into the deeper stuff. It was refreshing to see someone do a real system for figuring out keyword density - for so long it's been a guessing game! It's going to be a while until I know if the system really works, but it looks promising.
One thing I've been seeing more recently in eHow books is that the actual article isn't the end of your job. After you've got the thing written out, you've really got to promote it. Depending on who you talk to, this can actually be more important than the article itself. Without some good promotion, no one see's it. Writing Online has a whole section on networking that covers that stuff.
If I had a complaint about the book, it's that the reading level skips around quite a bit. It's as if it was written out of order. At first it's very simple, then super complicated, then overly simple again. I guess it's not so much that the last part is simple, just that it's a little weak. The section on marketing strategies and various resources could have really been beefed up.
Don't let that stop you from picking it up though, it's worth a read for sure!